About Us

Beneath the boundless California sky, a young Kenneth La found himself captivated by words that would echo through his life, shaping his dreams and aspirations. It was Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address that lit the spark within—a narrative that emphasized the beauty of connecting the dots backward, embracing love and loss, and the ultimate realization that our time here is finite. Inspired to carve a path true to his essence, Kenneth envisioned a brand that transcended mere fashion; thus, TheSuperLa Studio was born.

In the fabric of every creation at TheSuperLa Studio, lies a story—a call to the SuperStars among us to rise, to dare, and to dream. 'Super', a nod to the heroes we all have within, and 'La', from Kenneth's own lineage, intertwine to remind us that extraordinary strength lies in our authenticity.

TheSuperLa Studio emerges not merely as a brand but as a beacon for the SuperStars—those yearning to live unapologetically, to defy norms, and to embrace their unique journey with heart and courage. Our "Petals of Wisdom" collection is a testament to this spirit, with each design serving as a guidepost:

The Rose gently nudges you to step beyond the familiar, embarking on a path less traveled. The Sunflower beams a message of joy, urging you to pursue what lights your soul on fire. The Daisy celebrates the beauty of your individuality, inviting you to embrace and love your unique essence.

Here, at TheSuperLa Studio, we're not just wearing clothes; we're donning our stories, our dreams, and the whispers of our hearts. We're a constellation of SuperStars, navigating the vastness of our journeys, guided by the light of authenticity and the power of our own truths.

Welcome to TheSuperLa Studio, where every piece is an invitation to "Stay True To Your Unique Journey". Join us, and let's illuminate the world together, one star at a time.